




Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in 1,2,5-Selenadiazole


Calculation of the 14N nqcc tensor in 1,2,5-selenadiazole was made here on molecular structures given by B3PW91/6-31G(2d,2pd) and B3LYP/cc-pVTZ(G03) optimization.  These are compared with the experimental nqcc's [1] in Table 1.  Structure parameters are given in Table 2.
In Table 1, subscripts a,b,c refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor; x,y,z to the principal axes of the nqcc tensor.  The nqcc y-axis is chosen coincident with the inertia c-axis, these are perpendicular to the molecular plane.  Ø (degrees) is the angle between its subscripted parameters.  ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz.
RSD is the calibration residual standard deviation of the B3PW91/6-311+G(df,pd) model for calculation of nitrogen nqcc's.

Table 1.  14N(2,5) nqcc's in 1,2,5-Selenadiazole (MHz).  Calculation was made on molecular structures given by (1) B3PW91/6-31G(2d,2pd) and (2) B3LYP/cc-pVTZ optimization.

Calc. (1)

Calc. (2)
Expt. [1]

Xaa 0.940 0.905 |Xaa| < 1
Xcc - Xbb 5.382 5.321 5.2(3)
Xbb - 3.161 - 3.113
Xcc 2.221 2.208
Xab ± 2.122 ± 2.227
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %) 0.030 (1.3 %)
Xxx 1.841 1.900
Xyy 2.221 2.208
Xzz - 4.061 - 4.104
ETA 0.094 0.076
Øz,a 67.01 66.03
Øa,bi 79.90 80.37
Øz,bi * 12.88 14.34
* The z-axis makes an angle of Øz,bi with the external bisector ('bi') of the SeNC angle and tilts toward Se.
Table 2.  1,2,5-Selenadiazole.  Molecular structure parameters, ropt (Å and degrees).
     ropt(1) = B3PW91/6-31G(2d,2pd) optimization.
     ropt(2) = B3LYP/cc-pVTZ(G03) optimization.
     C2V ropt(1) ropt(2)

SeN 1.7879 1.8134
NC 1.3088 1.3034
CC 1.4347 1.4347
CH 1.0849 1.0838
NSeN   93.61   92.77
SeNC 106.59 106.49
NCC 116.60 117.12
CCH 124.18 123.55


[1] G.L.Blackman, R.D.Brown, F.R.Burden, and J.E.Kent, Chem.Phys.Lett. 1,379(1967).
F.Hegelund, R.Wugt Larson, R.A.Aitken, and M.H.Palmer, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 236,189(2006).  IR and theoretical study.



Thiazole 1,3,4-Oxadiazole 1,2,5-Oxadiazole
1,2,3-Thiadiazole 1,3,4-Thiadiazole 1,2,4-Thiadiazole


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Last Modified 19 Nov 2007