


Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in Carbon Tetrachloride




Chlorine nqcc's in carbon tetrachloride were calculated on a structure determined here by the method of Merke et al. [1] (see below).



Table 1. Chlorine nqcc's in CCl4 (MHz).

Calc. *

35Cl Xzz - 83.26(18)
37Cl Xzz - 65.62(14)


  * The uncertainties in the calculated nqcc's are due only to an estimated uncertainty in the CCl bond length of 0.003 Å (see below).  The estimated uncertainties associated with the B1LYP/TZV(3df,2p) model for calculation of the nqcc's are 0.49 MHz for 35Cl and 0.46 MHz for 37Cl (one residual standard deviation, RSD).

Molecular Structure
Merke et al. [1] optimized at the MP2/6-311+G(2d,p) level of theory the CCl bond lengths in several molecules for which equilibrium CCl bond lengths have been reported (Table 4, Ref. [1]).  In this work, the equilibrium CCl bond length in carbon tetrachloride was estimated by linear regression analysis of this data.  The MP2/6-311+G(2d,p) optimized CCl bond length in carbon tetrachloride is 1.7775 Å, which after correction gives 1.760(3) Å (the estimated uncertainty is one standard deviation [1]).


[1] I.Merke, L.Poteau, G.Wlodarczak, A.Bouddou, and J.Demaison, J.Mol. Spectrosc. 177,232(1996).

CH3Cl CH2Cl2 CHCl3


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Last Modified 6 June 2004