
Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in N-Bromocyanofluoromethanimine





Calculation of Br nqcc tensors in N-bromocyanofluoromethanimine was made on (1) the partial ro structure of Durig et al [1], and on (2) a structure given by MP2/6-311+G(3df) optimization with approximate re bond lengths for CF, C-C, and CN.  These calculated nqcc's are compared with the experimental values in Table 1.  Structure parameters are given in Table 2.
In Table 1, subscripts a,b,c refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor.   Subscripts x,y,z refer to the principal axes of the nqcc tensor.  The nqcc y-axis is chosen coincident with the c-axis.  Ø (degrees) is the angle between its subscripted parameters.  ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz.
RMS is the root measn square difference between calculated and experimental diagonal nqcc.  RSD is the residual standard deviation of the calibration of the computional model for calculation of the nqcc's.



Table 1.  79Br nqcc's in CF(CN)NBr (MHz).  Calculation was made on (1) the partial ro structure of Durig et al [1], and on (2) a structure given by MP2/6-311+G(3df) optimization with approximate re bond lengths for CF, C-C, and CN.

Calc (1) Calc (2) Expt. [1]
Xaa 692.03 674.61 638.54(165)
Xbb - 338.37 - 326.41 - 308.20(121
Xcc - 353.66 - 348.19 - 330.34(142)
|Xab| 366.00 365.83 371.96(37)
RMS 37.93 (8.91 %) 25.50 (5.99 %)
RSD   1.58 (0.39 %)   1.58 (0.39 %)
Xxx - 455.14 - 445.86 - 436.85(116)
Xyy - 353.66 - 348.19 - 330.34(142)
Xzz 808.80 794.05 767.19(142)
ETA - 0.1255 - 0.1230 - 0.1349(28)
Øz,a 17.69 18.08 19.080(38)



Table 2.  81Br nqcc's in CF(CN)NBr (MHz).  Calculation was made on (1) the partial ro structure of Durig et al [1], and on (2) a structure given by MP2/6-311+G(3df) optimization with approximate re bond lengths for CF, C-C, and CN.

Calc (1) Calc (2) Expt. [1]
Xaa 577.77 563.21 553.59(119)
Xbb - 282.30 - 272.31 - 267.58(82)
Xcc - 295.48 - 290.90 - 286.01(104)
|Xab| 306.34 306.19 310.40(33)
RMS 17.23 (4.67 %)   6.80 (1.84 %)
RSD   1.38 (0.40 %)   1.38 (0.40 %)
Xxx - 380.25 - 372.50 - 371.71(88)
Xyy - 295.48 - 290.90 - 286.01(104)
Xzz 675.73 663.40 657.72(106)
ETA - 0.1255 - 0.1230 - 0.1303(23)
Øz,a 17.73 18.12 18.544(31)
Table 3. Molecular structure parameters, (1) partial ro [1] and (2) MP2/6-311+G(3df) optimization with approximate re bond lengths for CF, C-C, and CN (Å and degrees).   * denotes assumed value.
 r (1)  r (2)
N=C 1.164 * 1.1576
C-C 1.422(9) 1.4369
NBr 1.850 * 1.8540
N=C 1.249 * 1.2709
C-F 1.349(15) 1.3215
N=CC 180.0 * 179.12
N=CC 121.6(9) 119.12
CNBr 117.0 * 115.23
NCF 125.8 * 127.19


[1]  J.R.Durig, H.Nanaie, and D.D.DesMarteau, J.Chem.Phys. 99,4340(1993).





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Last Modified 30 April 2010