Bromine |
Quadrupole Coupling Constants |
in Vinyl Bromide |
Hayashi et al. [1] determined the
bromine nqcc's in vinyl bromide and derived a substitution molecular
structure. Calculation of the nqcc's was made on this structure.
These are compared with the experimental nqcc's in Table 1.
Structure parameters are given in Table 2. |
Zvereva-Loëte, et al. [2] have
recently published several vinyl bromide structures. A summary of
calculations made on these structures is given in Table 3. |
In Table 1, the subscripts
a,b,c refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor.
Subscripts x,y,z refer to the principal axes of the nqcc tensor.
The nqcc y-axis is chosen coincident with the c-axis. Ø
(degrees) is the angle between its subscripted parameters. ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz. |
RMS is the root measn square
difference between calculated and experimental diagonal nqcc's. RSD
is the residual standard deviation of the calibration of the B1LYP/TZV(3df,3p) model for calculation of the nqcc's. |
Table 1. Bromine nqcc's
in H2C=CHBr (MHz). |
Calc. |
Expt. [1] |
79Br |
Xaa |
472.53 |
470.98(9) |
Xbb |
- |
220.08 |
- |
216.97 |
Xcc |
- |
252.45 |
- |
254.01(10) |
|Xab| |
247.81 |
246.14(564) |
2.20 (0.70 %) |
1.58 (0.39 %) |
Xxx |
- |
299.61 |
- |
295.97(328) |
Xyy |
- |
252.45 |
- |
254.01(10) |
Xzz |
552.06 |
549.97(328) |
- |
0.085 |
- |
0.0763 |
Øz,a |
17.79 |
17.78 |
Øa,CBr |
17.44 |
17.43 |
Øz,CBr |
0.35 |
0.35 |
81Br |
Xaa |
394.94 |
393.58(7) |
Xbb |
- |
184.02 |
- |
181.36 |
Xcc |
- |
210.92 |
- |
212.22 |
|Xab| |
206.83 |
204.17(506) |
1.88 (0.71 %) |
1.38 (0.40 %) |
Table 2. Structure parameters, rs [1] (Å and degrees/minutes). |
CBr |
1.884 |
CC |
1.332 |
CH |
1.080 |
CHt |
1.080 (assumed) |
CHc |
1.088 |
CCBr |
122o35' |
123o40' |
CCHt |
119o15' |
CCHc |
121o17' |
Table 3. 79Br
nqcc's in CH2CHBr (MHz). Calculation was made on the molecular structures (column 1) of Zvereva-Loëte, et al. [2]. RMS (column 5) is
the root mean square difference between calculated and
diagonal nqcc's [1]. |
Structure |
Xaa |
Xbb |
Xcc |
ro |
473.40 |
-220.60 |
-252.79 |
2.62 |
rm(1) |
471.92 |
-220.52 |
-251.40 |
2.60 |
rm(2) mod |
471.72 |
-220.81 |
-250.91 |
2.88 |
rm(1L) |
472.03 |
-220.60 |
-251.43 |
2.64 |
rs-fit + com |
473.15 |
-220.58 |
-252.57 |
2.57 |
re |
471.74 |
-220.74 |
-251.00 |
2.82 |
ab initio * |
472.62 |
-221.46 |
-251.16 |
3.21 |
expt. nqcc's |
470.98(9) |
-216.97 |
-254.01(10) |
* CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ-offset. |
[1] M.Hayashi, C.Ikeda and T.Inagusa, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 139,299 (1990). |
[2] N.Zvereva-Loëte, J.Demaison, and H.D.Rudolph, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 236,248(2006). |
H2C=CFBr |
c-BrHC=CHF |
t-BrHC=CHF |
H2C=CHCl |
c-ClHC=CHF |
t-ClHC=CHF |
Table of Contents |
Molecules/Bromine |
CH2CHBr.html |
Modified 21 March 2006 |