
Quadrupole Coupling Constants |
Methylenimine |
Calculation of
the nitrogen nqcc's in methylenimine was made here on the molecular
substitution structure of Pearson and Lovas [2], on the
"semi-experimental" equilibrium structure of Margulès et al. [3], and on ropt molecular
structures given by MP/6-311+G(3df,3pd) and MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ
optimizations. These are compared
with the experimental nqcc's of Krause et al. [1] and of Dore et al.
[4] in Tables 1 - 4. Molecular
structure parameters are compared in Table 5. |
of the nqcc's was made also on structures optimized at the B3P86/ and
MP2/6-311+G(3d,3p) levels of theory, and on the
"semi-experimental" equilibrium structure of Margulès et al. [3]. These are compared
with the experimental nqcc's in Tables 2 and 3. Molecular structure parameters are compared in
Table 4. |
In Tables 1 - 4, subscripts a,b,c
refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor, subscripts x,y,z to
the principal axes of the nqcc tensor. The nqcc y-axis is chosen
coincident with the inertia c-axis, these are perpendicular to the
plane of the molecule. Ø (degrees) is the angle between
its subscripted parameters. ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz. |
RMS is the root mean square
difference between calculated and experimental nqcc's (percentage of
average experimental nqcc). RSD is the residual standard
of calibration of the B3PW91/6-311+G(df,pd) model for calculation of
the nqcc's. |
Table 1. 14N nqcc's in CH2NH
(MHz). Calculation was made on the substitution structure of
Pearson and Lovas [2]. |
Calc. |
Expt. [1] |
Expt. [4] |
Xaa |
- |
0.918 |
- |
0.9131(16) |
- |
0.9148(12) |
Xbb |
- |
2.662 |
- |
2.6688(14) |
- |
2.6665 * |
Xcc |
3.580 |
3.5819(21) |
3.5813 * |
|Xab| |
2.519 |
0.005 (0.22 %) |
0.003 (0.10 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
Xxx |
0.876 |
Xyy |
3.580 |
Xzz |
- |
4.456 |
0.607 |
Øz,a |
54.5 |
Øa,bi |
59.7 |
Øz,bi** |
5.2 |
* Calculated here from experimental Xaa
and Xbb - Xcc = 6.24772(17) MHz. |
The z-axis makes an angle of 5.2o
with the external bisector ( 'bi' ) of the CNH angle. |
Table 2. 14N nqcc's in CH2NH
(MHz). Calculation was made on the "semi-experimental" re
molecular structure of Margulès, et al. [3]. |
Calc. |
Expt. [1] |
Expt. [4] |
Xaa |
- |
0.953 |
- |
0.9131(16) |
- |
0.9148(12) |
Xbb |
- |
2.664 |
- |
2.6688(14) |
- |
2.6665 * |
Xcc |
3.617 |
3.5819(21) |
3.5813 * |
|Xab| |
2.563 |
0.031 (1.3 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
Xxx |
0.893 |
Xyy |
3.617 |
Xzz |
- |
4.510 |
0.604 |
Øz,a |
54.23 |
Øa,bi |
59.67 |
Øz,bi** |
5.44 |
* Calculated here from experimental Xaa
and Xbb - Xcc = 6.24772(17) MHz. |
The z-axis makes an angle of 5.2o
with the external bisector ( 'bi' ) of the CNH angle. |
Table 3. 14N nqcc's in CH2NH
(MHz). Calculation was made ropt =
MP2/6-311+G(3df,3pd) optimized structure. |
Calc. |
Expt. [1] |
Expt. [4] |
Xaa |
- |
0.942 |
- |
0.9131(16) |
- |
0.9148(12) |
Xbb |
- |
2.651 |
- |
2.6688(14) |
- |
2.6665 * |
Xcc |
3.594 |
3.5819(21) |
3.5813 * |
|Xab| |
2.522 |
0.021 (0.87 %) |
0.019 (0.78 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
Xxx |
0.866 |
Xyy |
3.594 |
Xzz |
- |
4.460 |
0.612 |
Øz,a |
54.36 |
Øa,bi |
59.46 |
Øz,bi** |
5.10 |
* Calculated here from experimental Xaa
and Xbb - Xcc = 6.24772(17) MHz. |
The z-axis makes an angle of 5.2o
with the external bisector ( 'bi' ) of the CNH angle. |
Table 4. 14N nqcc's in CH2NH
(MHz). Calculation was made ropt =
MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ optimized structure. |
Calc. |
Expt. [1] |
Expt. [4] |
Xaa |
- |
0.933 |
- |
0.9131(16) |
- |
0.9148(12) |
Xbb |
- |
2.652 |
- |
2.6688(14) |
- |
2.6665 * |
Xcc |
3.585 |
3.5819(21) |
3.5813 * |
|Xab| |
2.518 |
0.015 (0.64 %) |
0.014 (0.55 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
Xxx |
0.869 |
Xyy |
3.585 |
Xzz |
- |
4.453 |
0.610 |
Øz,a |
54.42 |
Øa,bi |
59.44 |
Øz,bi** |
5.02 |
* Calculated here from experimental Xaa
and Xbb - Xcc = 6.24772(17) MHz. |
The z-axis makes an angle of 5.2o
with the external bisector ( 'bi' ) of the CNH angle. |
Table 4. CH2NH
Molecular structure parameters (Å and degrees). ropt(1)
= MP2/6-311+G(3df,3pd) optimized structure, ropt(2)
= MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ optimized structure. |
ropt(1) |
ropt(2) |
rs [2] |
re [3] |
CN |
1.2747 |
1.2764 |
1.273 |
1.2709(1) |
NH |
1.0196 |
1.0205 |
1.021 |
1.0195(2) |
CHt |
1.0854 |
1.0857 |
1.09 |
1.0839(31) |
CHc |
1.0900 |
1.0902 |
1.09 |
1.0919(32) |
109.98 |
109.95 |
110.4 |
110.348(37) |
HtCHc |
117.01 |
117.00 |
117.0 |
NCHc |
124.43 |
124.48 |
125.1 |
123.72(43) |
NCHt |
118.56 |
118.52 |
119.25(45) |
[1] H.Krause,
D.H.Sutter, and M.H.Palmer, Z.Naturforsch. 44a,1063(1989). |
[2] R.Pearson
Jr and F.J.Lovas, J.Chem.Phys. 66,4149(1977). |
[3] L.Margulès, J.Demaison,
P.B.Sreeja, and J-C.Guillemin, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 238,234(2006). |
[4] L.Dore, L.Bizzocchi, C. Delgi
Esposti, and J. Gauss, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 263,44(2010). |
Related ...
H.Krause and
D.H.Sutter, Z.Naturforsch. 46a,785(1991). |
P.D.Godfrey, and D.A.Winkler, Aust.J.Chem. 35,667(1982). |
R.Pearson Jr
and F.J.Lovas, Chem.Phys.Lett. 15,65(1972). |
(CH3)2NH |
trans-Ethanimine |
cis-Ethanimine |
Ethylenimine |
trans-syn-Propenimine |
trans-anti-Propenimine |
Table of Contents |
Molecules/Nitrogen |
CH2NH.html |
Modified 2 July 2010 |