Nitrogen |
Quadrupole Coupling Constants |
in Serine
Seven conformers of serine were identified and their microwave spectra assigned by Blanco et al. [1].
Calculations of the 14N nqcc
tensors in these conformers (shown below) were made on ropt molecular structures given by B3LYP/cc-pVTZ optimization. Calculated and experimental [1] nqcc's are compared
in Tables 1 - 3.
Conformer Ia |
Conformer IIa |


Conformer I'b
Conformer IIb
Conformer IIIbetab



Conformer IIc |
Conformer IIIbetac |


In Tables 1 - 3, subscropts a,b,c
refer to the
principal axes of the inertia tensor. RMS is the root mean square
difference between calculated and experimental diagonal nqcc's
(percentage of the average of the magnitudes of the experimental
nqcc's). RSD is the calibration residual
standard deviation of
the B3PW91/6-311+G(df,pd) model for calculation of the nitrogen efg's/nqcc's. |
Table 1. 14N
nqcc's in Serine, conformers Ia and IIa (MHz). Expt. is Ref [1].
Conformer Ia
Conformer IIa
Calc. / Expt.
Calc. / Expt.
Xaa |
- 4.503 / - 4.3023(27)
- 0.524 / - 0.6066(55)
Xbb |
2.841 / 2.82359(63)
2.038 / 2.0723(82)
Xcc |
1.662 / 1.4788(46)
- 1.513 / - 1.466(30)
Xab |
0.222 /
1.376 /
Xac |
- 0.492 /
2.592 /
Xbc |
- 0.016 /
- 1.461 /
0.157 (5.5 %)
0.058 (4.2 %)
0.030 (1.3 %)
0.030 (1.3 %)
Table 2. 14N
nqcc's in Serine, conformer I'b, IIb, and IIIbetab (MHz). Expt. is Ref [1].
Conformer I'b |
Conformer IIb |
Conformer IIIbetab |
Calc. / Expt.
Calc. / Expt.
Calc. / Expt.
Xaa |
- 1.420 / - 1.1343(35)
- 3.628 / - 3.4616(19)
- 0.566 / - 0.6733(67)
Xbb |
2.606 / 2.5043(50)
2.159 / 2.07974(93)
- 0.828 / - 0.456(16)
Xcc |
- 1.187 / - 1.3701(50)
1.469 / 1.3819(47)
1.394 / 1.129(16)
Xab |
1.268 /
1.629 /
2.572 /
Xac |
- 2.976 /
1.342 /
1.607 /
Xbc |
1.053 /
0.007 /
- 2.534 /
0.145 (8.7 %)
0.118 (5.1 %)
0.271 (36.0 %)
0.030 (1.3 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %)
Table 3. 14N
nqcc's in Serine, conformers IIc and IIIbetac (MHz). Expt. is Ref [1].
Conformer IIc
Conformer IIIbetac
Calc. / Expt.
Calc. / Expt.
Xaa |
- 3.788 / - 3.6527(57)
- 1.085 / - 1.0486(55)
Xbb |
2.041 / 2.06213(26)
- 0.647 / - 0.5637(53)
Xcc |
1.747 / 1.5906(50)
1.731 / 1.612(21)
Xab |
- 1.863 /
- 3.522 /
Xac |
- 0.739 /
0.794 /
Xbc |
0.050 /
1.499 /
0.120 (4.9 %)
0.086 (8.0 %)
0.030 (1.3 %)
0.030 (1.3 %)
[1] S.Blanco, M.E.Sanz, J.C.López, and J.L.Alonso, PNAS 104,20183(2007).
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Modified 7 April 2015 |