



Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in the Chlorobenzenes





The summary given in Table 1 is of 35Cl nqcc's calculated on B3P86/6-31G(3d,3p) optimized molecular structures.  Some structure parameters are compared in Table 2.


CB Chlorobenzene
DCB Dichlorobenzene
CFB Cluorofluorobenzene
FB Fluorobenzene
ClPh Chlorophenol
In Table 1, ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz, and
Øz,CCl is the angle between the nqcc z-axis and the CCl bond axis.
The y-axis is perpendicular to the plane of the molecule.



Table 1. 35Cl nqcc's in the Substituted Benzenes (MHz).
Molecule Xzz Xyy Xxx ETA Øz,CCl
CB -71.64 32.64 39.00 - 0.089 0
1,2-DCB -74.14 32.54 41.60 - 0.122 1.21
1,3-DCB -72.59 33.01 39.58 - 0.090 0.09
1.4-DCB -72.51 33.23 39.28 - 0.083 0
1,2-CFB -74.82 33.60 41.22 - 0.102 1.07
1.3-CFB -72.59 32.92 39.67 - 0.093 0.06
1,4-CFB -72.71 33.76 38.96 - 0.072 0
c-2-ClPh * -69.35 35.20 34.16 0.015 0.30
t-2-ClPh * -73.89 32.92 40.96 - 0.109 1.21
c-3-ClPh * -71.99 32.90 39.08 - 0.086 0.00
t-3-ClPh * -71.99 32.65 39.34 - 0.093 0.06
4-ClPh -72.32 33.99 38.33 - 0.060 0.01


  * Chlorine cis/trans with respect to the hydroxyl hydrogen.



Table 2. CCl, CF, and CO bond lengths, and CCipsoC angles (Å and degrees).
CiCl CCipsoC CF / CO CCipsoC
CB 1.7364 121.30
1,2-DCB 1.7251 119.78
1,3-DCB 1.7328 121.58
1,4-DCB 1,7332 120.94
FB 1.3443 122.47
1,2-CFB 1.7242 119.26 1.3351 121.45
1,3-CFB 1.7333 121.60 1.3406 122.74
1,4-CFB 1.7353 121.12 1.3415 122.19
Phenol 1.3612 120.12
c-2-ClPh 1.7409 121.48 1.3478 118.47
t-2-ClPh 1.7282 120.47 1.3527 118.76
c-3-ClPh 1.7360 121.76 1.3573 120.37
t-3-ClPh 1.7358 122.01 1.3574 120.38
4-ClPh 1.7366 120.56 1.3585 119.82
In phenol, OH = 0.9619 Å and COH = 108.99o
In c-2-ClPh, OH = 0.9679 Å and COH = 108.19o
In t-2-ClPh, OH = 0.9622 Å  and COH = 108.92o

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Last modified 1 Aug 2005