
Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in 1,1-Dichloroethane


Calculation of the chlorine nqcc's in 1,1-dichloroethane was made on the substitution molecular structure of Sugie et al. [1], and on a structure given by MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ(G03) optimization with empirical correction for the C-C and CCl bond lengths (~ re).  These are compared with the experimental nqcc's of de Luis et al. [2] in Tables 1 - 3.  Structure parameters are given in Table 4.
In Tables 1 - 3, subscripts a,b,c refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor; x,y,z to the principal axes of the nqcc tensor.  Øz,CCl (degrees) is the angle between the principal z-axis of the nqcc tensor and the CCl bond axis.  ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz.
RMS is the root mean square difference between calculated and experimental diagonal nqcc's.  RSD is the calibration residual standard deviation of the B1LYP/TZV(3df,2p) model for calculation of the chlorine nqcc's.

Table 1.  Chlorine nqcc's in 35Cl2HC-CH3 (MHz).  Calculation was made on the rs structure of Sugie et al. [1], and on the ~ re structure.

35Cl Calc/ ~ re
Calc/ rs
Expt. [2]

Xaa - 39.62 - 40.01 - 39.0405(22)
Xbb 11.06 11.25 10.6742(30)
Xcc 28.56 28.76 28.3663(30)
Xab* +/- 44.22 +/- 44.42 +/- 44.22(36)
Xac* +/- 25.22 +/- 25.32 +/- 24.08(74)
Xbc* - 16.13 - 16.04 - 16.27(29)
RMS 0.42 (1.6 %) 0.69 (2.6 %)
RSD 0.49 (1.1 %) 0.49 (1.1 %)
Xxx 35.70 35.96 34.79(93)
Xyy 38.28 38.40 38.41(57)
Xzz - 73.98 - 74.36 - 73.19(71)
ETA 0.035 0.033 0.049(21)
Øz,CCl 1.08 1.11

* The algebraic signs of the off-diagonal nqcc's depend on the orientation of the molecule with respect to positive/negative sense of the a,b,c axes.  Here,  Xbc is negative, while for one Cl, Xab and Xac are both positive, and for the other, both negative. The product XabXacXbc is negative, independent of positive/negative sense of a,b,c axes.  This note applies also to Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2.  Chlorine nqcc's in 35Cl37ClHC-CH3 (MHz).  Calculation was made on the rs structure of Sugie et al. [1], and on the ~ re structure.

35Cl Calc/ ~ re
Calc/ rs
Expt. [2]

Xaa - 38.10 - 38.47 - 37.4807(67)
Xbb   9.57   9.74   8.854(10)
Xcc 28.53 28.73 28.626(10)
Xab* +/- 45.04 +/- 45.25 +/- 43.95(68)
Xac* +/- 24.99 +/- 25.08 +/- 23.30(89)
Xbc* - 16.58 - 16.50 - 16.26(65)
RMS 0.55 (2.2 %) 0.77 (3.1 %)
RSD 0.49 (1.1 %) 0.49 (1.1 %)
Xaa - 32.41 - 32.72 - 31.9600(73)
Xbb   9.83   9.99   9.540(22)
Xcc 22.58 22.73 22.419(22)
Xab -/+ 34.21 -/+ 34.35 -/+ 34.81(70)
Xac -/+ 19.99 -/+ 20.07 -/+ 19.95(88)
Xbc - 12.34 - 12.27 - 12.46(68)
RMS 0.32 (1.5 %) 0.54 (2.5 %)
RSD 0.44 (1.1 %) 0.44 (1.1 %)
* See the footnote with Table 1.

Table 3.  37Cl nqcc's in 37Cl2HC-CH3 (MHz).  Calculation was made on the rs  structure of Sugie et al. [1], and on the ~ re structure.

37Cl Calc/ ~ re
Calc/ rs
Expt. [2]

Xaa - 31.23 - 31.53 - 30.7594(19)
Xbb   8.67   8.82   8.3663(29)
Xcc 22.55 22.70 22.3931(29)
Xab* +/- 34.89 +/- 35.04 +/- 33.78(45)
Xac* +/- 19.82 +/- 19.90 +/- 18.59(77)
Xbc* - 12.69 - 12.62 - 12.83(22)
RMS 0.38 (1.6 %) 0.54 (2.7 %)
RSD 0.44 (1.1 %) 0.44 (1.1 %)
Xxx 28.13 28.34 26.50(72)
Xyy 30.17 30.26 30.15(60)
Xzz - 58.30 - 58.61 - 56.65(77)
ETA 0.035 0.033 0.064(25)
Øz,CCl 1.08 1.11
* See the footnote with Table 1.
Table 4. 1,1-Dichloroethane.  Structure parameters, ~ re and rs [1] (Å and degrees).   Complete structures, including dihedral angles, are given here in Z-matrix format.

CCl 1.7766 1.775(1)
CC 1.5058 1.517(3)
CCCl 110.51 110.78(16)
ClCCl 110.11 110.45(12)
CH(6) 1.0846 1.085(2)
CH(5) 1.0877 1.100(5)
CH(3,4) 1.0887 1.098(27)
CCH(6) 112.88 109.16(38)
CCH(5) 109.85 109.16(38)
CCH(3,4) 109.47 109.0(29)

[1] M.Sugie, M.Kato, C.Matsumura, and H.Takeo, J.Mol.Struct. 413-414,487(1997).
[2] A. de Luis, J.C.López, and J.L.Alonso, Chem.Phys. 248,247(1999).
W.H.Flygare, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 14,145(1964).  35Cl2HC-CH3, Xaa = -39.006(5), Xbb = 10.758(10), and Xcc = 28.248(5) MHz.


ClFHC-CH3 gauche-ClH2C-CH2Cl


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Last Modified 10 Aug 2007