


Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in 4-Chloronortricyclene




The 35Cl nqcc and a heavy atom substitution molecular structure were determined by Laurie and Stigliani [1].  Calculation of the chlorine nqcc's was made here on this structure (with hydrogens located by MP2/6-31G(d,p) optimization).



Table 1. Chlorine nqcc's in 4-Chloronortricyclene (MHz).

Expt. [1]

35Cl Xzz - 70.30 - 69.2(2)
37Cl Xzz - 55.41


The difference between calculated and experimental 35Cl nqcc's is 1.1 MHz (1.6 %).

Table 2.  4-Chloronortricyclene.  Heavy atom structure parameters, heavy atom rs [1] (Å and degrees).  The hydrogens located by MP2/6-31G(d,p) optimization.  The complete structure is given here in Z-matrix format.
Point Group C3V The CCl bond length is an assumed value.
C(4)Cl 1.763 (ass.)
C(7)C(4) 1.538(11)
C(1)C(7) 1.525(16)
C(1)C(2) 1.527(5)
ClC(4)C(7) 115.7(10)
C(7)C(4)C(3) 102.6(5)
C(1)C(7)C(4)   96.2(7)
C(2)C(1)C(7) 106.6(4)
Click on image to enlarge.



[1] V.W.Laurie and W.M.Stigliani, J.Am.Chem.Soc. 95,4154(1973).

1-Chloroadamantane Cyclopropyl Chloride


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Last Modified 29 March 2008