Nitrogen and Chlorine

Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in Nitrogen Thiochloride


Calculation of the N and Cl nqcc's in NSCl were made on the substitution structure of Beppu et al. [1].  These are compared with the experimental values in Tables 1 - 3.  Structure parameters are given in Table 3.
In Tables 1 - 3, RMS is the root mean square difference between calculated and experimental nqcc's (percentage of average experimental nqcc).  RSD is the residual stand deviation of calibration of the model for calculation of the nqcc's.

Table 1. Nitrogen nqcc's in NS35Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Beppu et al. [1].

Expt. [2]

14N Xaa - 1.611 - 1.42(6)
Xbb - 4.389 - 4.16(6)
Xcc 6.000 5.58
|Xab| 0.334
RMS 0.30 (8.0 %)
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %)

Table 2.  Cl nqcc's in NSCl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Beppu et al. [1].

Expt. [2]

35Cl Xaa - 41.22 - 39.00(3)
Xbb 25.49 23.84(4)
Xcc 15.73 15.16
|Xab| 15.40
RMS 1.63 (6.3 %)
RSD 0.49 (1.1 %)
37Cl Xaa - 32.55
Xbb 20.16
Xcc 12.39
|Xab| 11.98
RSD 0.44 (1.1 %)

Table 3.  Cl nqcc's in 15NSCl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Beppu et al. [1].

Expt. [1]

35Cl Xaa - 40.90 - 38.51
Xbb 25.18 23.51
Xcc 15.72 15.00
|Xab| 16.04
RMS 1.73 (6.7 %)
RSD 0.49 (1.1 %)
37Cl Xaa - 32.30
Xbb 19.92
Xcc 12.39
|Xab| 12.49
RSD 0.44 (1.1 %)
Table 4. NSCl Structure parameters, rs [1] (Å and degrees).
NS 1.450
SCl 2.161
NSCl 117.7
[1] T.Beppu, E.Hirota, and Y.Morino, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 36,386(1970).
[2] R.Cervellati, D.G.Lister, A.Delgi Esposti, and F.Ortolani, Il Nuovo Cimento D 3,475(1984).





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Last Modified 20 Feb 2011