


Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in Monobridged Disilyene





Calculation of deuterium nqcc's in Si(D)SiH and Si(H)SiD were made here on (1) the ro molecular structure of McCarthy and Thaddeus [1], (2) the partial ro structure of Cordonnier et al. [2], and (3) a structure optained by MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ(G03) optimization (assuming Cs symmetry).  These are compared with the experimental nqcc's [1] in Tables 1 and 2.  Structure parameters are given in Table 3.
In Tables 1 and 2, subscripts a,b,c refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor; x,y,z to the principal axes of the nqcc tensor.  Ø (degrees) is the angle between its subscripted parameters.  ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz.
RSD is the calibration residual standard deviation of the B3LYP/6-31G(df,3p) model for calculation of the deuterium nqcc's, which may be taken as an estimate of the uncertainty in the calculated nqcc's.

Table 1.  Deuterium nqcc's in Si(D)SiH (kHz).  Calculation was made on (1) the ro molecular structure of McCarthy and Thaddeus [1], on (2) the partial ro molecular structure of Cordonnier et al. [2], and on (3) the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ structure.

Calc. (1)

Calc. (2) Calc. (3)
Expt. [1]

Xaa 34.2 29.5 30.0 31(1)
Xbb 34.6 31.7 31.3
Xcc - 68.8 - 61.2 - 61.4
|Xab| 15.0   8.2   5.5
RSD 1.1 (0.86 %) 1.1 (0.86 %) 1.1 (0.86 %)
Xxx 19.4 22.3 25.1
Xyy 49.4 38.9 36.2
Xzz - 68.8 * - 61.2 * - 61.4 *
ETA 0.435 0.270 0.181
* The z-principal axis is perpendicular to the ab-plane of the molecule.

Table 2.  Deuterium nqcc's in Si(H)SiD (kHz).  Calculation was made on (1) the ro molecular structure of McCarthy and Thaddeus [1], on (2) the partial ro molecular structure of Cordonnier et al. [2], and on (3) the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ structure.

Calc. (1)

Calc. (2) Calc. (3)
Expt. [1]

Xaa 68.3 82.9 81.2 79(1)
Xbb - 22.2 - 29.8 - 30.4
Xcc - 46.1 - 53.1 - 50.8
|Xab| 42.8 43.8 38.1
RSD 1.1 (0.86 %) 1.1 (0.86 %) 1.1 (0.86 %)
Xxx - 39.2 - 44.8 - 42.2
Xyy - 46.1 - 53.1 - 50.8
Xzz 85.3 98.0 93.0
ETA 0.081 0.085 0.092
Øz,a 21.7 18.9 17.16
Øa,SiD 23.6 20.4 18.45
Øz,SiD   1.9   1.5   1.29
Table 3.  Monobridged Disilyene.  Molecular structure parameters, ro [1,2], and ropt = MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ(G03) (Å and degrees).
Click on image ro [1] ro [2]   ropt
to enlarge.

SiSi 2.119(1) 2.119 2.1291
Si(2)H(3) 1.586(19) 1.629 1.6356
Si(2)H(4) 1.506(4) 1.474 1.4851
SiSiH(3)   52.2(8)   52.5 (fixed)   51.91
SiSiH(4) 153.9(4) 157.5 159.65

[1] M.C.McCarthy and P.Thaddeus, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 222,248(2003).

[2] M.Cordonnier, M.Bogey, C.Demuynck, and J.-L.Destombes, J.Chem.Phys. 97,7984(1992).



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Last Modified 1 Jan 2009