


Nitrogen and Chlorine

Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in 2-Fluoro-5-Chloropyridine


Calculation was made of the nitrogen and chlorine nqcc tensors in 2-fluoro-5-chloropyridine on a molecular structure giveen by B3P86/6-31G(3d,3p) optimization.  These are shown in Tables 1 - 3.  Structure parameters are given in Table 4, atomic coordinates in Table 5, and rotational constants in Table 6.
In Tables 1 - 3, subscripts a,b,c refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor; x,y,z to the principal axes of the nqcc tensor.  The nqcc y-axis is chosen coincident with the inertia c-axis, these are perpendicular to the molecular plane.  Ø (degrees) is the angle between its subscripted parameters.  ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz.  RSD is the calibration residual standard deviation of the model for calculation of the nqcc's.



Table 1. Nitrogen nqcc's in 2-F-5-35Cl-Pyridine (MHz).  Calculation was made on the B3P86/6-31G(3d,3p) ropt structure.


14N Xaa 0.200
Xbb - 2.984
Xcc 2.785
|Xab| 2.647
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %)
  Xxx 1.697
Xyy 2.785
Xzz - 4.481
ETA 0.243
Øz,a 60.51
Øa,bi 59.11
Øz,bi *   1.40
* The z-axis makes an angle of 1.40o with the external bisector ( 'bi' ) of the C(6)N(1)C(2) angle, and tilts toward C(6).

Table 2.  Chlorine nqcc's in 2-F-5-35Cl-Pyridine (MHz).  Calculation was made on the B3P86/6-31G(3d,3p) ropt structure.


35Cl Xaa - 73.69
Xbb 39.19
Xcc 34.49
|Xab|   3.19
RSD 0.49 (1.1 %)
  Xxx 39.28
Xyy 34.49
Xzz - 73.78
ETA - 0.065
Øz,a 1.62
Øa,CCl 1.81
Øz,CCl 0.19

Table 3.  Nitrogen and Chlorine nqcc's in 2-F-5-37Cl-Pyridine (MHz).  Calculation was made on the B3P86/6-31G(3d,3p) ropt structure.


14N Xaa 0.202
Xbb - 2.986
Xcc 2.785
|Xab| 2.646
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %)
37Cl Xaa - 58.08
Xbb 30.89
Xcc 27.18
|Xab|   2.48
RSD 0.44 (1.1 %)
Table 4.  2-Fluoro-5-Chloropyridine.  Molecular structure parameters, ropt (Å and degrees).
N(1)C(2) 1.3087
C(2)C(3) 1.3898
C(3)C(4) 1.3835
C(4)C(5) 1.3921
C(5)C(6) 1.3880
C(6)N(1) 1.3340
C(2)F(2) 1.3338
C(3)H(3) 1.0827
C(4)H(4) 1.0834
C(5)Cl(5) 1.7281
C(6)H(6) 1.0856
C(6)N(1)C(2) 117.23
N(1)C(2)C(3) 125.71
C(2)C(3)C(4) 116.94
C(3)C(4)C(5) 118.40
C(4)C(5)C(6) 119.36
C(5)C(6)N(1) 122.35
N(1)C(2)F(2) 116.06
C(2)C(3)H(3) 120.64
C(3)C(4)H(4) 121.23
C(4)C(5)Cl(5) 120.59
C(5)C(6)H(6) 120.57

Table 5.  2-F-5-35Cl-Pyridine.  Atomic coordinates, ropt.
 a (Å)  b (Å)
N(1) -
1.1405 - 1.1666
C(2) - 1.7494 - 0.0082
C(3) - 1.1279 1.2349
C(4) 0.2556 1.2441
C(5) 0.9259 0.0240
C(6) 0.1934 - 1.1550
F(2) - 3.0826 - 0.0470
H(3) - 1.7144 2.1451
H(4) 0.8112 2.1742
Cl(5) 2.6530 - 0.0305
H(6) 0.6961 - 2.1172

Table 6.  2-F-5-35Cl-Pyridine.  Rotational Constants (MHz).
Calc ropt        Expt.
A  5880.6
B    986.1
C    844.5


Pyridine 3-Chloropyridine 3,5-Dichloropyridine

2-Fluoro-3-Chloropyridine 2,3-Dichloropyridine

Table of Contents






Last Modified 10 Feb 2004