2-F-C5H4N |

Quadrupole Coupling Constants |
2-Fluoropyridine |
nqcc's in 3-fluoropyridine were first determined in 1976 by Sharma and
Doraiswamy [1] and revisited in 2012 by van Eijk et al. [2]. |
Calculation of the nitrogen nqcc's
was made here on a molecular structure given by
B3P86/6-31G(3d,3p) optimization. These are compared with the
experimental nqcc's [2] in Table 1. Structure parameters are
given in Table 2, atomic coordinates in Table 3, rotational
constants and centrifugal distortion constants in Table 4. |
In Table 1, subscripts a,b,c
refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor; x,y,z to the
principal axes of the nqcc tensor. The nqcc y-axis is chosen
coincident with the inertia c-axis, these are perpendicular to the
molecular plane. Ø (degrees) is the angle between its
subscripted parameters. ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz.
RMS is the root mean square differene
between calculated and
experimental nqcc's (percent of average experimental nqcc). RSD
is the calibration residual standard deviation of the
B3PW91/6-311+G(df,pd) model for
calculation of the nqcc's. |
Table 1. Nitrogen nqcc's in
2-Fluoropyridine (MHz). Calculation
was made on the B3P86/6-31G(3d,3p) ropt structure. |
Calc. |
Expt. [2] |
14N |
Xaa |
- |
0.089 |
- |
0.1003(10) *
Xbb |
- |
2.700 |
- |
Xcc |
2.789 |
|Xab| |
2.779 |
0.035 (1.8 %) |
0.030 (1.3 %) |
Xxx |
1.676 |
1.640(45) * |
Xyy |
2.789 |
2.8365(9) |
Xzz |
- |
4.465 |
- |
4.477(45) |
0.249 |
0.267(10) |
Øz,a |
57.58 |
57.76(20) |
Øa,bi |
57.09 |
Øz,bi ** |
0.49 |
* Calculated
here from the experimental 1.5(Xaa) = -0.1504(15) and
0.25(Xbb - Xcc) = -1.3932(4) MHz using Kisiel's
QDIAG.f program. |
** The z-axis makes an angle of
0.49o with the external bisector ( 'bi' ) of the
C(6)N(1)C(2) angle. |
Table 2. 2-Fluoropyridine
and Pyridine. Molecular structure parameters, ropt
(Å and degrees). |
2-F-Pyridine |
Pyridine |
N(1)C(2) |
1.3082 |
1.3336 |
C(2)C(3) |
1.3896 |
1.3904 |
C(3)C(4) |
1.3850 |
1.3885 |
C(4)C(5) |
1.3925 |
1.3885 |
C(5)C(6) |
1.3861 |
1.3904 |
C(6)N(1) |
1.3378 |
1.3336 |
C(2)F(2) |
1.3368 |
C(3)H(3) |
1.0829 |
1.0845 |
C(4)H(4) |
1.0849 |
1.0851 |
C(5)H(5) |
1.0835 |
1.0845 |
C(6)H(6) |
1.0869 |
1.0880 |
C(6)N(1)C(2) |
116.49 |
117.03 |
N(1)C(2)C(3) |
126.08 |
123.80 |
C(2)C(3)C(4) |
116.54 |
118.44 |
C(3)C(4)C(5) |
119.20 |
118.50 |
C(4)C(5)C(6) |
118.25 |
118.44 |
C(5)C(6)N(1) |
123.45 |
123.80 |
N(1)C(2)F(2) |
115.94 |
C(2)C(3)H(3) |
120.48 |
120.21 |
C(3)C(4)H(4) |
120.12 |
120.75 |
C(4)C(5)H(5) |
121.33 |
121.35 |
C(5)C(6)H(6) |
120.80 |
120.26 |
Table 3.
2-Fluoropyridine. Atomic coordinates, ropt. |
a (Å) |
b (Å) |
N(1) |
0.2534 |
- |
1.1718 |
C(2) |
0.8132 |
0.0105 |
C(3) |
0.1484 |
1.2307 |
C(4) |
- |
1.2357 |
1.1813 |
C(5) |
- |
1.8713 |
- |
0.0577 |
C(6) |
- |
1.0842 |
- |
1.1987 |
F(2) |
2.1500 |
0.0245 |
H(3) |
0.7050 |
2.1596 |
H(4) |
- |
1.8133 |
2.0997 |
H(5) |
- |
2.9519 |
- |
0.1367 |
H(6) |
- |
1.5366 |
- |
2.1869 |
Table 4.
2-Fluoropyridine. Rotational Constants (MHz) and
Centrifugal Distortion Constants * (kHz). |
Calc ropt |
Expt. [2] |
A |
5915.7 |
5870.88105(19) |
B |
2712.1 |
2699.98571(10) |
C |
1859.6 |
1849.24259(7) |
Delta_JK |
Delta_K |
delta_J |
delta_K |
B3LYP/cc-pVTZ opt freq(vibrot) |
[1] S.D.Sharma, S.Doraiswamy,
H.Legell, H.Mäder, and D.Sutter, Z.Naturforsch. 26a,1342(1971). |
[2] C.W.
van Dijk, M. Sun, and J. van Wijngaarden, J.Phys.Chem. A 116,4082(2012). |
M.J.S.Dewar, Y.Yamaguchi,
S.Doraiswamy, S.D.Sharma, and S.H.Suck, Chem.Phys. 41,21(1979). |
S.D.Sharma and S.Doraiswamy,
Chem.Phys.Lett. 41,192(1976). |
Pyridine |
2-Chloropyridine |
3-Chloropyridine |
3-Fluoropyridine |
4-Fluoropyridine |
4-Chloropyridine |
2-Bromopyridine |
3-Bromopyridine |
4-Bromopyridine |
Table of Contents
Molecules/Nitrogen |
2MFP.html |
Modified 3 April 2012