
Nitrogen |
Quadrupole Coupling Constants |
in Cyanoethynyl
Anion |
Calculation of eQq for 14N
in CCCN- was made on a structure derived by MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ optimization with approximate
equilibrium ~re CC, C-C, and CN bond lengths.
Comparison with experimental eQq [1,2] is given in Table 1.
Structure parameters are shown in Table 2. |
Table 1. Nitrogen nqcc's
in CCCN- (MHz). |
Calc. |
Expt. [1,2] |
14N |
eQq |
- |
3.242 |
- |
3.2483(72) [1] |
- |
3.248(5) [2] |
Table 2. Cyanoethynyl
Anion. Structure parameters (Å). |
CC |
1.2423 |
C-C |
1.3690 |
CN |
1.1674 |
[1] T.Amano, J.Mol.Spectrosc.
259,16(2010). |
[2] M.C.McCarthy and P.Thaddeus,
J.Chem.Phys. 129,054314(2008) |
CN Anion |
CCCN Radical |
Table of Contents |
Molecules/Nitrogen |
CCCN-.html |
Modified 30 Oct 2009 |