CF3-CF2Br |

Bromine |
Quadrupole Coupling Constants |
Perfluoroethyl Bromide
Calculation of the bromine nqcc
tensors in perfluoroethyl bromide was made on a
molecular structure given by MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ
optimization (ropt),
and on same structure but with approximate equilibrium (~re)
C-C, and CF bond lengths.
Calculated nqcc tensors are compared
with experimental values [1]
in Tables 1 and 2.
parameters are given in Table 3. Rotational constants and dipole
moments (given by B1LYP/TZV(3df,3p) calculation) are given in Tables 4
and 5. Quartic centrifugal distortion constants, calculated and
experimental, are given in Table 6. |
In Tables 1 and 2, subscripts a,b,c
refer to the
principal axes of the inertia tensor; x,y,z to the principal axes
of the nqcc tensor.
Ø (degrees) is the angle between its subscripted
parameters. ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz. |
RMS is root mean square difference
between calculated and experimental diagonal nqcc's. RSD is the
calibration residual
standard deviation of
the B1LYP/TZV(3df,3p) model for calculation of the bromine nqcc's. |
Table 1. 79Br
nqcc's in
CF3-CF2Br (MHz).
~re |
Expt. [1] |
Xaa |
430.70 |
433.67 |
430.6937(53) |
Xbb |
- |
120.37 |
- |
123.32 |
- |
121.7548(85) |
Xcc |
- |
310.33 |
- |
310.35 |
- |
308.9389(66) |
|Xab| |
367.52 |
364.98 |
364.06(12) |
1.13 (0.39 %) |
2.10 (0.73 %) |
1.58 (0.39 %) |
1.58 (0.39 %) |
Xxx |
- |
304.18 |
- |
303.92 |
Xyy |
- |
310.33 |
- |
310.35 |
Xzz |
614.51 |
614.27 |
611.459(96) |
0.0100 |
0.0105 |
Øz,a |
26.57 |
26.33 |
Øa,CBr |
28.10 |
27.90 |
Øz,CBr |
1.53 |
1.57 |
Table 2. 81Br nqcc's in
CF3-CF2Br (MHz).
~re |
Expt. [1] |
Xaa |
361.72 |
364.16 |
361.655(16) |
Xbb |
- |
102.45 |
- |
104.87 |
- |
103.5627(25) |
Xcc |
- |
259.27 |
- |
259.29 |
- |
258.092(19) |
|Xab| |
305.64 |
303.51 |
302.17(43) |
0.94 (0.39 %) |
1.77 (0.74 %) |
1.38 (0.40 %) |
1.38 (0.40 %) |
Xxx |
- |
254.13 |
- |
253.92 |
Xyy |
- |
259.27 |
- |
259.29 |
Xzz |
513.40 |
513.20 |
510.377(341) |
0.0100 |
0.0105 |
Øz,a |
26.39 |
26.15 |
Øa,CBr |
27.92 |
27.72 |
Øz,CBr |
1.53 |
1.57 |
Table 3. CF3-CF2Br.
Selected structure
parameters (Å and degrees). Complete structures are given here in Z-matrix format. |
CS |
ropt |
~re |

C(2)Br |
1.9083 |
1.9166 |
C(2)F(4,5) |
1.3373 |
1.3313 |
C(2)C(3) |
1.5450 |
1.5419 |
C(3)C(2)Br |
111.18 |
111.18 |
C(3)C(2)F(4,5) |
108.37 |
108.37 |
FC(2)F |
108.49 |
108.49 |
F(4,5)C(2)Br |
110.18 |
110.18 |
Table 4. CF3-CF279Br
Equilibrium Rotational Constants (MHz) and Dipole Moments
(D). |
ropt |
~re |
Expt. [1] |
A |
2218.41 |
2233.09 |
2221.64214(26) |
B |
1061.23 |
1061.18 |
1052.53460(14) |
C |
962.15 |
961.96 |
954.65244(15) |
|µa| |
0.67 |
0.61 |
|µb| |
0.27 |
0.24 |
Table 5. CF3-CF281Br
Rotational Constants (MHz) and Dipole Moments (D). |
ropt |
~re |
Expt. [1] |
A |
2217.18 |
2231.87 |
2220.3990(11) |
B |
1050.84 |
1050.74 |
1042.20662(50) |
C |
953.37 |
953.15 |
945.92279(52) |
|µa| |
0.67 |
0.61 |
|µb| |
0.27 |
0.24 |
Table 6. CF3-CF279Br
Quartic Centrifugal Distortion Constants (kHz). |
B3LYP * |
Expt [1] |
Delta_J |
0.0734 |
0.0729(13) |
Delta_KJ |
0.0394 |
0.0300(23) |
Delta_K |
0.116 |
0.1297(76) |
delta_J |
0.0107 |
0.00884(43) |
delta_K |
- |
0.0114 |
* Run B3LYP/cc-pVTZ opt
output=pickett ---> extract the principal axes structure --->
then B3LYP/cc-pVTZ freq=vibrot output=pickett. Doug Fox, Gaussian
Inc., private communication. |
[1] B.E.Long, G.S.Grubbs
II, J.Langridge, and S.A.Cooke, J.Mol.Struct. 1023,55(2012);
S.A.Cooke, and G.S.Grubbs II, 66th International Symposium
Molecular Spectroscopy, Ohio State University, 2011, Abstract RH03. |
CF3-CF2Cl |
CF3-CF2I |
Table of Contents |
Molecules/Bromine |
CF3CF2Br.html |
Modified 7 Oct 2012 |