


Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in Trimethylsilane Iodide


Calculation was made of the 127I nqcc in trimethylsilane iodide on an ro structure determined by Merke et al. [1].  This calculated value is compared with the experimental nqcc [1] in Table 1.  Structure parameters are given in Table 2.



Table 1.  Iodine nqcc's in (CH3)3SiI (MHz).  Calc. = B1LYP/6-311G(df,p).  Calculation was made on the ro structure.

 Expt. [1]

127I Xaa - 1050.4 - 1041.2049(17)

Table 2.  (CH3)3SiI.  Molecular structure parameters, ro [1] (Å and degrees).
SiI 2.46382(52)
SiC 1.8606(26)
CHi 1.095 (ai)
CHo 1.097 (ai)
ISiC 107.684(56)
SiCHi 110.6( ai)
SiCHo 110.2 (ai)
Hi are H atoms with CH bond in the mirror plane, Ho are H atoms outside the mirror plane.  (ai) are ab initio values (see [1]).

[1] I.Merke, A.Lüchow, and W.Stahl, J.Mol.Struct. 780-781,295(2006).



(CH3)3CCl (CH3)3SiCl (CH3)3GeCl

(CH3)3CBr (CH3)3GeBr


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Last Modified 9 Dec 2008