
Deuterium |
Quadrupole Coupling Constants |
Thiophosphenous hydride |
Calculation was made here of the
deuterium nqcc tensor in HPS on the equilibrium structure of Halfen et
al. [1]. These calculated nqcc's are given in Table 1.
Structure parameters are
given in Table 2. |
In Table 1, the subscripts a,b,c
refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor, the subscripts x,y,z
to the principal axes of the nqcc tensor. The nqcc y-axis is
chosen coincident with the inertia c-axis. Ø (degrees) is
the angle between its subscripted parameters. ETA = (Xxx
- Xyy)/Xzz. |
RSD is the
calibration residual standard deviation for the B3LYP/6-31G(df,3p)
model for calculation of the nqcc's. |
Table 1. Deuterium nqcc's
in HPS (kHz). Calculation was made on the re
structure. |
Calc. |
Expt. |
2H |
Xaa |
- 42.8 |
Xbb |
91.5 |
Xcc |
- 48.6 |
|Xab| |
40.8 |
1.1 (0.9 %) |
Xxx |
- 54.3 |
Xyy |
- 48.6 |
Xzz |
102.9 |
- |
0.0554 |
Øz,a |
105.65 |
Øa,CD |
105.21 |
Øz,CD |
0.44 |
Table 2. HPS Molecular
structure parameters, re [1] (Å and
degrees). |
HP |
PS |
1.9287(1) |
101.78(1) |
[1] D.T.Halfen, D.J.Clouthier,
L.M.Ziurys, V.Lattanzi, M.C.McCarthy, P.Thaddeus, and S.Thorwirth,
J.Chem.Phys. 134,134302(2011). |
Table of Contents |
Molecules/Deuterium |
HPS.html |
Modified 9 April 2011 |