SnH3Br |

Bromine |
Quadrupole Coupling Constants |
in Bromostannane
79Br and 81Br
nqcc tensors in bromostannane have been determined by Wolf et al. [1]. An rs / ro structure was derived. |
Calculation was made here of the nqcc's on this rs / ro
molecular structure. These are compared with the experimental
nqcc's in Table 1. Structure parameters are given in Table 2. |
Method: B1LYP/TZV(3df,3p) model
for calculation of the bromine efg's/nqcc's. Note: As the TZV(3df,3p) basis is not available for Sn, a def-2-TZV basis obtained from EMSL Basis Set Exchange was used for this atom.
Table 1. Bromine
nqcc's in SnH3Br (MHz). Calculation was made on the rs / ro molecular structure. |
Calc. |
Expt. [1] |
79Br |
357.27 |
350(6) |
81Br |
296.56 |
291(6) |
Table 2. Bromostannane. Molecular structure parameters partial rs / ro [1] (Å and degrees). |
rs(SnBr) |
2.4691(3) |
ro(SnH) |
1.776 |
ro(BrSnH) |
106. |
[1] S.N.Wolf, L.C.Krisher, and R.A.Gsell, J.Chem.Phys. 54(11),2287(1971).
CH3Br |
SiH3Br |
Table of Contents |
Molecules/Bromine |
SnH3Br.html |
Modified 19 Dec 2016 |