Coordinate Systems


As previously noted, the subscripts ij in Xij = (eQ/h)qij refer to coordinate axes.  The experimental nqcc's are measured in the principal axes system of the inertia tensor.  These axes are labeled a, b, and c.


Gaussian 98/03 computes the efg's in a system of coordinates which, in general, differs from the inertia system.  It is necessary, therefore, to transform the efg tensor from Gaussian "standard orientation" coordinates to inertial a,b,c coordinates.  A fortran program has been written to accomplish this task.  It can be found in Table of Contents/Software.   Input/Output examples are also available.


Furthermore, Gaussian 98/03 output displays the eigenvalues of the efg tensor, but not the eigenvectors.   The above mentioned program computes these eigenvectors.


In this work, labels a,b,c are used for and only for the principal axes of the inertia tensor.  Likewise, x,y,z are used for and only for the principal axes of the efg/nqcc tensor.  Other axes systems will be otherwise labeled, and defined where appropriate.  See, for example, chloroform.


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Last modified 26 May 2004