Nitrogen and Chlorine

Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants

in Monochloroamine


Calculation of nitrogen and chlorine nqcc's in monochloroamine was made on the substitution molecular structure of Cazzoli et al. [1].  These are compared with the experimental nqcc's [1,2] in Tables 1-12.  Structure parameters are given in Table 13.
Calculation was made also on a structure given by MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ(G03) optimization.  These results are shown here.
In Tables 1 and 7, subscripts a,b,c refer to the principal axes of the inertia tensor, subscripts x,y,z to the principal axes of the nqcc tensor.  The nqcc y-axis is chosen coincident with the inertia b--axis, these are perpendicular to the Cs plane of the molecule.  Ø (degrees) is the angle between its subscripted parameters.  ETA = (Xxx - Xyy)/Xzz.
In Tables, 1 - 12, RMS is the root mean square difference between calculated and experimental nqcc's (percentage of average experimental nqcc).  RSD is the residual standard deviation of calibration of the model for calculation of the nqcc's.  

Table 1.  14N nqcc's in NH235Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Cazzoli et al.

Expt. [1]

14N Xaa 5.250 5.10(5)
Xbb 0.312 0.2(1)
Xcc - 5.562 - 5.3
|Xac| 1.329
RMS 0.2 (5.2 %)
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %)
Xxx 5.412
Xyy 0.312
Xzz - 5.723
ETA - 0.891
Øz,a 83.10
Øa,NCl   2.67
Øz,NCl 80.43

Table 2.  14N nqcc's in NH237Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Cazzoli et al.  The Cl atom lies very near the c-axis,  There is, upon Cl substitution, little rotation of principal a,b,c axes and no significant difference in the nqcc's.

Expt. [1]

14N Xaa 5.250 5.10(5)
Xbb 0.312 0.2(1)
Xcc - 5.562 - 5.3
|Xac| 1.330
RMS 0.2 (5.2 %)
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %)

Table 3.  14N nqcc's in ND235Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Cazzoli et al.

Expt. [2]
Expt. [1]

Xaa 5.329 5.42(25) 5.10(7)
Xbb 0.312 - 0.37(28) 0.2(1)
Xcc - 5.641 - 5.05(28) - 5.3
|Xac| 0.954
RMS 0.52 (14 %) 0.24 (7.0 %)
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %) 0.030 (1.3 %)

Table 4.  14N nqcc's in ND237Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Cazzoli et al.  The Cl atom lies very near the c-axis,  There is, upon Cl substitution, little rotation of principal a,b,c axes and no significant difference in the nqcc's.

Expt. [2]

14N Xaa 5.329 5.41(31)
Xbb 0.312 - 0.66(30)
Xcc - 5.640 - 4.74(30)
|Xac| 0.957
RMS 0.77 (21 %)
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %)

Table 5.  14N nqcc's in NHD35Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Cazzoli et al.

Expt. [2] *
Expt. [1]

Xaa 5.290 5.08(18) 5.2(2)
Xbb - 0.090 - 0.30(28) - 0.1(1)
Xcc - 5.201 - 4.78(28) - 5.1
|Xab| 0.126 **
|Xac| 1.130
|Xbc| 1.499
RMS 0.30 (8.6 %) 0.08 (2.3 %)
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %) 0.030 (1.3 %)
* Average over 0+ <-- 0- and 0- <-- 0+ states.
** The algebraic sign of the product XabXacXbc is negative.

Table 6.  14N nqcc's in NHD37Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Cazzoli et al.  The Cl atom lies very near the c-axis,  There is, upon Cl substitution, little rotation of principal a,b,c axes and no significant difference in the nqcc's.

Expt. [2] *

14N Xaa 5.290 4.87(18)
Xbb - 0.090 - 0.25(19)
Xcc - 5.201 - 4.62(19)
|Xab| 0.127  **
|Xac| 1.132
|Xbc| 1.499
RMS 0.56 (17 %)
RSD 0.030 (1.3 %)
* Average over 0+ <-- 0- and 0- <-- 0+ states.
** The algebraic sign of the product XabXacXbc is negative.

Table 7.  35Cl nqcc's in NH2Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structures of Cazzoli et al.

Expt. [1]

35Cl Xaa - 99.69 - 99.61(4)
Xbb 48.02 47.7(1)
Xcc 51.67 51.9
|Xac|   4.15
RMS 0.23 (0.34 %)
RSD 0.49 (1.1 %)
Xxx 51.79
Xyy 48.02
Xzz - 99.80
ETA - 0.038
Øz,a 1.57
Øa,NCl 2.67
Øz,NCl 1.10

Table 8.  37Cl nqcc's in NH2Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structures of Cazzoli et al.

Expt. [1]

37Cl Xaa - 78.57 - 78.50(3)
Xbb 37.84 37.6(1)
Xcc 40.72 40.9
|Xac|   3.26
RMS 0.18 (0.34 %)
RSD 0.44 (1.1 %)

Table 9.  35Cl nqcc's in ND2Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Cazzoli et al.

Expt. [2]
Expt. [1]

Xaa - 99.22 - 99.49(15) - 99.07(8)
Xbb 48.02 48.36(20) 48.0(3)
Xcc 51.21 51.12(20) 51.07
|Xac|   9.34
RMS 0.26 (0.39 %) 0.12 (0.18 %)
RSD 0.49 (1.1 %) 0.49 (1.1 %)

Table 10.  37Cl nqcc's in ND2Cl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structures of Cazzoli et al.

Expt. [2]

37Cl Xaa - 78.20 - 78.56(15)
Xbb 37.84 37.47(20)
Xcc 40.36 41.09(20)
|Xac|   7.34
RMS 0.51 (0.98 %)
RSD 0.44 (1.1 %)

Table 11.  35Cl nqcc's in NHDCl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structure of Cazzoli et al.

Expt. [2] *
Expt. [1]

Xaa - 99.31 - 99.25(11) - 99.1(2)
Xbb 47.97 47.65(20) 47.8(1)
Xcc 51.34 51.60(20) 51.3
|Xab|   6.58 **
|Xac|   5.48
|Xbc|   0.69
RMS 0.24 (0.36 %) 0.16 (0.24 %)
RSD 0.49 (1.1 %) 0.49 (1.1 %)
* Average over 0+ <-- 0- and 0- <-- 0+ states.
** The algebraic sign of the product XabXacXbc is positive.

Table 12.  37Cl nqcc's in NHDCl (MHz).  Calculation was made on the substitution structures of Cazzoli et al.

Expt. [2] *

37Cl Xaa - 78.27 - 77.88(9)
Xbb 37.81 36.78(15)
Xcc 40.47 41.11(15)
|Xab|   5.16 **
|Xac|   4.30
|Xbc|   0.54
RMS 0.74 (1.4 %)
RSD 0.44 (1.1 %)
* Average over 0+ <-- 0- and 0- <-- 0+ states.
** The algebraic sign of the product XabXacXbc is positive.
Table 13. Structure parameters, rs [1] (Å and degrees).    Pyramidal.
NCl 1.7480(1)
NH 1.017(5)
HNH 107.(2)
ClNH 103.68(37)
[1] G.Cazzoli, D.G.Lister, and P.G.Favero, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 42,286(1972).
[2] E.Masuko, Y.Hamada, A.Mizoguchi, H.Fukushi, N.Kuze, and T.Sakaizuma, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 253,77(2009).





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Last Modified 2 Nov 2008